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Amber is a new brand identity and bottle packaging that envelops a blend of rustic folkish contemporary for a honey brand — nestled with dark greys, whites and yellowish browns.

The ideation behind it is extracted from the process of fossilisation and presented by using transparent labels. These label treatments includes the overlaying of the transparent label onto "almost" still life objects onto a glass bottle; thus creating a see-through effect almost similar to translucent fossilised resin. Objects include herbs and botanical flora illustrating a coniferous tree and leaf.

One of the bottles selected is amber in colour to reidentify the concept back to Amber. Amber is a limited resource and treasured just like honey at present times, in comparisons to the population of bees that are lessening than previously existing in the past.

Pairings of food with honey were experimented, conceptualised and complimented with not-so-common pairings of granola, caramelised crème brûlée popcorn, almonds, thyme, blueberries and rustic Bâtard.